
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Jesous Ahatonia

Per request, below is a link to the last 10 bars of "Jesous Ahatonia." The sopranos are light blue, the altos are dark blue, the tenors are pink, and the basses are black (that's just how the sequencing program worked). If you want the tempo to be slower, just change the tempo from 70 (in the upper left hand corner) to 40 or 50. I don't know how you can just listen to one part at a time. I'll have to keep on experimenting with the program.

Hope this works. If so, I can do more of these parts. 😀

If you can't open the website, here is the midi file in dropbox:

Bring Him Home and Dropbox link

As you know, the Tenors and Basses are now singing the "Bring Him Home" arrangement by John Leavitt. Click here for a recording. ...